Using Modernize Next.js admin with App Directory, you will be able to create your website or web application without any hassle. Its high scalability, speedy development, and ease of use make it a best choice in Next.js framework. It provides every convenience and flexibility that you can imagine, making it one of the best Next.js admin templates available in the premium Next.js category. Some examples of the apps that you can create using Modernize Next.js admin dashboard template include:
- Based on App Directory
- RTL Dashboard version
- 4 unique demos
- 2+ unique dashboards
- 6 color skins
- 3400+ Font icons
- Completely responsive pages
- Charts & tables
- Dark and light sidebar themes
- Based on Material UI
- Widgets and UI components
- Application Designs
What's Included
- Modern Dashboard
- eCommerce Dashboard
- Calendar Application
- Chat Application
- eCommerce Apllication
- Contact Application
- Users Application
- Notes Application
Ui Components
- Alerts
- Accordian
- Avatar
- Chip
- Dialog
- List
- Popover
- Rating
- Tabs
- Tooltip
- Transfer List
- Typography
- Form elements
- Form Horizontal
- Form Vertical
- Form Custom
- Form Validation
- Form Wizard
- Quill Editor
- Basic Table
- Collapsible Table
- Enhanced Tables
- Fixed Header Table
- Pagination Table
- Search Table
- Tabler Icons
- Authentication Pages
- Create Support ticket at https://adminmart.com/support/