Minton - 8 in 1 Admin & Dashboard Template


Minton is a fully featured premium admin template built on top of awesome Bootstrap 5.3.0. It has many ready-to-use hand-crafted components. The theme is fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to turn this theme into a real web application.

We also provide this template in React, Laravel, Django, PHP & Node JS (Include in this bundle), You can use it seamlessly with any type of project (We are working on other frameworks, which released soon) Stay Tuned

Major Update (v9)

  • Added: React 18 Version
  • Added: Laravel 10 Version
  • Added: Django Version
  • Added: PHP Version
  • Added: Node JS Version
  • Added: Symfony Version
  • Added: ASP.NET Version

What's Includes

  • HTML using Bootstrap 5.3.0
  • React 18 (Typescript) Version
  • Laravel 10 (Vite) Version
  • Django Version
  • PHP Version
  • NodeJS Version
  • Symfony Version
  • ASP.NET Version


  • Easy customization with extensive use of SCSS variables
  • Clean and Intuitive Design
  • Light & Dark Themes (only CSS based)
  • Fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers, devices
  • Easy development and tooling with Gulp workflow
  • Fully Documented
  • Sketch Files Available
  • Landing Page Included (About, Blog, Blog Details & Contact Us Pages)
  • Rich form, widgets, validation, and wizard
  • 120+ Pages
  • 500+ UI Components
  • 110+ Charts(9 chart library)
  • 5+ Built-in Apps
  • RTL & LTR Support
  • Error pages included
  • Stylish pricing page
  • 12k+ Font Icons
  • Sample eCommerce Application (E-Commerce Product, Orders, Customers, Cart, Checkout, Shops Pages)
  • Multiple apps including Chat, eCommerce, Tasks, Kanban Board, Calendar, Email, Support Tickets, Contacts, File Manager, etc.

Multiple Demos/Layout Options:

6 Pre-built layout options to cater needs of modern web applications. The flexible layout system along with build automation (gulp-based build tools), and ready-to-use UI elements enable to development of modern web applications with great speed.


  • All Bootstrap components
  • Icons
  • Multiple Widgets
  • Toast Notifications
  • Chartjs Charts
  • Apex Charts
  • Nestable List
  • Range Slider
  • Tour Page
  • Selectize, Switchery, Bootstrap MaxLength, Multiple Select, AutoComplete Included
  • Select2, Bootstrap-select, Bootstrap Touchspin, Input Mask included
  • Flatpickr, Colorpicker, Clock Picker, Bootstrap Datepicker Included
  • Bootstrap form wizard
  • Image Crop
  • Spinner
  • Max Length Validator
  • Advanced Datatables
  • Dragula – Simple Drag and Drop
  • Multiple File Uploads
  • Quilljs Editor
  • Google, Mapeal, and Vector Maps


  • Vertical Layout (With different sidebar themes including light, gradient, dark, brand, etc)
  • Horizontal Layout
  • Detached Sidebar Layout
  • Two-Column Layout
  • Boxed (Fixed width) for all layouts


  • Calendar
  • Chat
  • Ecommerce (Product listing, product detail, Add product, order listing, order detail, shopping cart, checkout, seller listing, etc)
  • Email (Inbox, Email details page, Compose, Email Templates, etc)
  • Companies Listing
  • Tasks (List Page, Task detail, Kanban Board, etc)
  • Contacts (Listing and Profile page)
  • Support Tickets
  • File Manager


  • Sample Dashboards
  • Profile (Setting, Activity, and About)
  • Invoice (Print ready)
  • FAQs
  • Timeline
  • Pricing
  • Sitemap
  • Search Results
  • Maintenance
  • Coming Soon
  • Gallery
  • Login (Two variations)
  • Register (Two variations)
  • Logout (Two variations)
  • Recover Password (Two variations)
  • Lock Screen (Two variations)
  • Confirm Mail (Two variations)
  • Sign In – Sign Up (Two variations)
  • Error 404 (Three variations)
  • Error 500 (Two variations)

Support and Free Updates

We are committed to our customers and support is of utmost priority. If you have any questions, or issues with Minton, please feel free to contact us anytime by filling out the support form here( or via email at [email protected]. We have also planned to add tons of updates and improvements which you will receive free of cost.

Version 9.3.0 (16 Aug 2023)

  • Added: ASP.NET Version

Version 9.2.0 (19 Jul 2023)

  • Added: Symfony Version

Version 9.1.0 (15 Jul 2023)

  • Added: Node Version

Version 9.0.0 (12 Jul 2023)

  • Added: React 18 Version
  • Added: Laravel 10 Version
  • Added: Django Version
  • Added: PHP Version

Version 8.0.0 (8 Jul 2023)

  • Updates: Bootstrap v5.3.0
  • Updates: Dark mode based on root variables

Version 7.1.0 (3 Feb 2023)

  • Updates: Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta
  • Removed: React and Django Versions

Version 7.0.1 (13 Apr 2022)

  • Updates: ReactJS Folder structure

Version 7.0.0 (12 Apr 2022)

  • Added: ReactJS (Typescript) Version
  • Added: Django Version

Version 6.3.0 (18 Jan 2022)

  • Updated: Bootstrap to v5.1.3 (latest)
  • Updated: jQuery v3.6.0 (latest)
  • Updated: All plugins to latest
  • Changes: Use dart-sass instead of node-sass for scss
  • Support: Node version 16

Version 6.2.0 (14 Sep 2021)

  • Updated: Bootstrap version to 5.1.1
  • Updated: Datatables, Offcanvas, Badges, Accordions, and Modal Pages
  • Added: Placeholder Page
  • Fixed: Fixed minor bugs

Version 6.1.0 (22 May 2021)

  • Updated: Bootstrap version to 5.0.1
  • Fixed: Fixed minor bugs

Version 6.0.0 (25 Feb 2021)

  • Updated: Bootstrap version to ^5.0.0-beta2
  • Updated: All plugins to latest
  • Fixed: Fixed minor bugs

Version 5.0.0 (19 Aug 2020)

  • Improved: A major refactoring of the entire code based. Made it more inline with bootstrap.
  • Added: Multiple apps including chat, eCommerce, tasks, etc.
  • Updated: All plugins including bootstrap to latest version.
  • Improved: All the demos/layouts completely based on css. No need to have different markup.
  • Added: Multiple layouts including two-column side menu, detached side menu, etc.
  • Removed: All seed & full version for Angular, React, Vue.js, Django and Nodejs.

Version 4.2.0 (13 Sep 2019)

  • Added: Angular compatible full version having most of components and elements in it.
  • Added: Sketch files

Version 4.1.0 (15 jun 2019)

  • Added seed application for Angular, React, Vue.js, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Django and Nodejs.

Version 4.0.0 (24 May 2019)

  • Added simply re-designed layouts choices with a new modern look and feel
  • Improved SCSS support which allows easy customizations with extensive use of SCSS variables
  • Added multiple layouts support
  • Added Gulp workflow for easy development and tooling
  • Added full RTL support
  • Update Bootstrap to v4.3.1

Version 3.3.0 (15 Aug 2018)

  • Update Bootstrap to 4.1.3
  • Added kanban board page
  • Added company list page
  • Added file manager page
  • Added tickets page
  • Added mapael maps page
  • Updated plugins:
  • jQuery 3.1.1 to 3.3.1
  • jquery.scrollTo js v1.4.6 to v2.1.2
  • popper.js old to latest
  • Slimscroll js v1.3.6 to v1.3.8
  • Waves js v0.6.0 to v0.7.6
  • jQuary.counterup js v1.0 to v2.0
  • Some bugs are fixed

Version 3.2.0 (19 Apr 2018)

  • Update Bootstrap to 4.1.0

Version 3.1.1 (27 Feb 2018)

  • Update zip structure

Version 3.1.0 (20 Feb 2018)

  • Update Bootstrap to 4.0.0
  • Added new datatables
  • Updated plugins:
  • Bootstrap sweet alert to Sweetalert2
  • Material design icons v1.6.5 to v2.0.4
  • Ion rangeslider v2.0.1 to v2.2.0
  • Bootstrap taginput v0.5.0 to v0.8.0
  • Select 2 v3.5.2 to v4.0.5
  • Bootstrap touchspin v3.0.1 to v3.1.2
  • Parslayjs v2.1.3 to v2.8.1
  • Tinymce v4.2.6 to v4.7.6
  • Summernote v0.8.2 to 0.8.8
  • Dropzone old to 5.2.0
  • Flot chart v0.8.1 to v0.8.3
  • Morris chart v0.5.0 to v0.5.1
  • Chartist chart v0.9.4 to v0.11.0
  • Chartjs v2.1.4 to v2.7.1
  • Peity chart v3.2.0 to v3.3.0
  • Jquery knob v1.2.0 to v1.2.13

Version 3.0.0 (15 Sep 2017)

  • Update Bootstrap to 4.0.0-beta version.
  • Added new demos: New-light(dark),Material(Horizontal),Material(leftbar-dark)

Version 2.3.0 (26 Jun 2017)

  • Added Bootstrap 4 alpha 6 Version.

Version 2.2.0 (24 Mar 2017)

  • Added MVC5 Version.

Version 2.1.0 (28 Jan 2017)

  • Added material design version.
  • Updated Font awesome
  • Some bugs are fixed

Version 2.0.0 (23 Nov 2016)

  • Added New color scheme.

Version 1.9.0 (15 Nov 2016)

  • Added PHP version for Vertical layout.

Version 1.8.0 (17 Oct 2016)

  • Added RTL version for Horizontal layout.
  • Added RTL version for Vertical layout.

Version 1.7.0 (29 Sep 2016)

  • Added Footable page.
  • Added Profile page.
  • Added Team member page.
  • Added Confirm mail page.
  • Added Pricing page.
  • Added FAQ page.
  • Added Treeview page.
  • Added New layouts (Light-dark and Multicolor light).
  • Update Bootstrap to 3.3.7

Version 1.6.1 (02 July 2016)

  • Fixed issue for arrow in sidebar.

Version 1.6 (23 Jun 2016)

  • Added carousel page.
  • Added weather icons page.
  • Added chartjs 2.0 page.
  • Added tablesaw table page.
  • Updated sweet alert (Bootstrap-sweetalert).

Version 1.5 (21 April 2016)

  • Added a new boxed layout.

Version 1.4 (02 March 2016)

  • Added a new color scheme multicolor.
  • Added a new layout for multicolor schemes with horizontal navigation

Version 1.3 (18 Feb 2016)

  • Added a new color scheme dark.
  • Added a new layout for dark color schemes with horizontal navigation

Version 1.2 (14 Feb 2016)

  • Added a new color scheme purple.
  • Added a new layout for all color schemes with horizontal navigation
  • Fixed sidebar for mobile devices, now it will not be displayed by default. Previously this was taking up some space on mobile devices.
  • Fixed issue in invoice pages, made it printer-friendly.

Version 1.1 (05 Feb 2016)

  • Added a new layout with horizontal navigation

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Future updates

4546 Sales

by WrapBootstrap

  • Since 31/05/2024
  • Products 14
  • Sales 159545
Last Update

31 May, 2024

First Release

31 May, 2024

Solution Type
Admin Template
High Resolution


Compatible Browsers
Files Included

HTML Files , CSS Files , JS Files





Compatible Technologies

Bootstrap 5.x

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