What you are getting:
- One-time payment, lifetime licence
- Full, Seed & Slim projects – Seed & Slim projects for HTML Flavor
- Full Documentation – Access to full documentation, advanced usage, color manipulation tutorials, and Tips & Tricks
- Regular updates – Proven by 5 years of consistent updates based on customer feedback
- Video tutorials – We provide 'how to' videos on our youtube channel
- Customer support – Dedicated team is standby to address all your concerns relating to the template
- Infinite skins – Use our gulp build commands with the combination of SCSS variables to easily produce skins of your desire
- Layout options – There are over 235 layout variations you can mix and match any layout options without breaking the design elements
- Theme Modes – Light & Dark Modes layer on top of Skins layer
- Extensible build tools – The template is built with HBS technology and various state-of-the-art automated gulp scripts to generate local assets in a flash
- Unique plugins – We have produced several unique plugins catered for this template
- FontAwesome 5 Pro - We were one of the few backers of Fontawesome Pro and have acquired unique perpetual rights to use FontAwesome Pro 5.0 library to be included within this product
- Community Support Forum – By purchasing a copy, you become part of a large community base, SmartAdmin was first released in 2014, we have a strong community and many contributors who are always eager to help on our Support Forum.
- Access to legacy release – Download link to SmartAdmin legacy version with all the flavors (seed and full projects) are included with in this package.
- Feature Requests – Access for feature requests and voting polls
- Full RTL support – Full RTL support for all computerate CSS and plugins
Package contents
For more information on the file structure, please refer to our Project Structure Page
- HTML Full Project
- HTML Seed Project
- HTML SLIM Project
- Ajax Seed (alpha)
- Start.html
SmartAdmin – an advanced UI Bootstrap 4 Admin and Dashboard – is built for the next generation. Its’ exceptional design contains vast collection of assorted reusable UI components integrated with latest jQuery plugins optimized to suit every modern web application project worldwide.
- Comes with the latest Bootstrap 4.x UI Toolkit and all its improved features
- Futuristic design and UI concept
- Over 35 Layout Variations and 285 Layout Combinations . Mix and match layout options to create endless possibilities
- Change few variables to generate your Unique Skin
- Light & Dark Modes that sits on top of your skin layer. Uses state of the art CSS technology to create conceptual visual effects.
- Layout settings are automatically stored to localStorage. You can also push these settings to your database
- Documentation, well descriptive codes, and email support are included
- All bootstrap components have been modified using 'non-destructive' method. You can change every aspect of the theme using variables.
- The theme also features unique custom components that work flawlessly with bootstrap's core components.
- All fonts and components uses REM values as opposed vs the PX outdated value. REM values gives you better control over your app's responsive behavior
- Comes with over 2500+ premium Icons. FontAwesome Pro 5, a whopping $35 value, included with your purchase
- Create your own stack icons with our built-in unique Icon Generator
- The Table Generator provides you with an option to generate your unique table style.
- All plugins are detachable. The plugins are separated based on importance and is not hard-coded to its core. Please see Plugins Page for more details.
- i18n ready. The plugin is lazy-loaded using ajax to pull in any local files.
- It has a heart and it beats. SmartAdmin comes with its own app.config.js file which can be customize to your fitting.
- Supports the latest version of Datatables.
- Added in our very own customized Datatable Alt-Editor
- Supports all the latest chart plugins available on the market. All our Chart libraries are MIT based: Flot, Chart.js, Chartist.js, C3 Charts, Peity, Sparkline, Easy Pie Chart, and Dygraphs
- Exclusive SmartPanel plugin lets you drag and drop panel position, change color, change state, refresh panels and a lot more, while utilizing localStorage to save all changes.
- Many page views, we will update continuously
- All pages are print friendly
- Free updates for the life of the theme
Other flavors sold separately
To see what these flavors has to offer, please check out our Other Flavors Page
Skin options:
SmartAdmin WebApp comes with 14 skin variations that can be applied either by default or through user choice. Just change a few variables to generate your unique skin. You can follow our video tutorial to try it out yourself!

Package contents Bootstrap 3 (static binary)

View Demo
- AJAX Full Version
- AJAX seedProject
- AngularJS 1.x
- AngularJS 2.x
- ASP.Net Core-1.0.1 Full_Version
- ASP.Net Core-1.0.1 SeedProject
- ASP.Net MVC6 RC1 Full_Version
- ASP.Ne MVC6 RC1 seedProject
- ASP.NetMVC5 Full Version
- ASP.NetMVC5 seedProject
- HTML Full Version
- HTML seedProject
- Landing Page
- Landing Page option-2
- PHP AJAX seedProject
- PHP AJAX Version
- PHP HTML seedProject
- PHP HTML Version
- ReactJS 15.x
- RubyOnRails Full_version
- RubyOnRails seedProject
Third party plugins for SmartAdmin WebApp BS4:
- @fullcalendar/bootstrap - 4.4.0
- @fullcalendar/core - 4.4.0
- @fullcalendar/daygrid - 4.4.0
- @fullcalendar/interaction - 4.4.0
- @fullcalendar/list - 4.4.0
- @fullcalendar/timegrid - 4.4.0
- bootbox - 5.4.0
- bootstrap - 4.5.0
- bootstrap-colorpicker - 3.2.0
- bootstrap-datepicker - 1.9.0
- bootstrap-daterangepicker - 3.0.5
- bootstrap-markdown - 2.10.0
- c3 - 0.7.15
- chart.js - 2.9.3
- chartist - 0.11.4
- cropperjs - 1.5.6
- d3 - 5.15.0
- datatables.net-autofill-bs4 - 2.3.4
- datatables.net-bs4 - 1.10.20
- datatables.net-buttons-bs4 - 1.6.1
- datatables.net-colreorder-bs4 - 1.5.2
- datatables.net-fixedcolumns-bs4 - 3.3.0
- datatables.net-fixedheader-bs4 - 3.1.6
- datatables.net-keytable-bs4 - 2.5.1
- datatables.net-responsive-bs4 - 2.2.3
- datatables.net-rowgroup-bs4 - 1.1.1
- datatables.net-rowreorder-bs4 - 1.2.6
- datatables.net-scroller-bs4 - 2.0.1
- datatables.net-select-bs4 - 1.3.1
- dropzone - 5.7.0
- dygraphs - 2.1.0
- easy-pie-chart - 2.1.7
- es6-promise-polyfill - 1.2.0
- flot - 0.8.3
- flot-spline - 0.0.1
- i18next-client - 1.11.4
- inputmask - 4.0.9
- ion-rangeslider - 2.3.1
- jquery - 3.5.1
- jquery-cropper - 1.0.1
- jquery-mousewheel - 3.1.13
- jquery-slimscroll - 1.3.8
- jquery-sparkline - 2.4.0
- jquery-throttle-debounce - github:myorangeca/jquery-throttle-debounce
- jquery-ui - 1.12.1
- jquery.flot.tooltip - 0.9.0
- jqvmap - 1.5.1
- jszip - 3.2.2
- justifiedGallery - 3.7.0
- lightgallery - 1.7.0
- markdown - 0.5.0
- moment - 2.25.3
- nestable - 0.2.0
- node-waves - 0.7.6
- nouislider - 14.3.0
- pace-js - 1.0.2
- pdfmake - 0.1.65
- peity - 3.3.0
- popper.js - 1.16.1
- select2 - 4.0.13
- smartwizard - 4.4.1
- summernote - 0.8.16
- sweetalert2 - 9.10.5
- toastr - 2.1.4
Be smart in 2024 and go with SmartAdmin. It's Okay to be Smart!
SmartAdmin WebApp
Please use the overview below to discover what has been changed and/or added between each update of SmartAdmin WebApp.
Update 4.6.0
- Fixed all reported and discovered CSS bugs.
- Updated latest sass library builder.
- Fixed all build errors for gulp build, you should now be able to use the latest version of node. - Please ignore any depricated warnings as it will be fixed in future update.
- Added new Subscription Dashboard
- Added quick change icon (see top right) for Dark Mode, Light Mode, and Default Mode
- Fixed responsive data bug for Datatables, you can now use pagination without breaking the responsive dropdown.
- Added new plugin for File Manager (beta) - it maybe a little buggy, please use with caution
- Updated Bootstrap to 4.6.0, Jquery to 3.5.1, check your package.json
Please note that in the next update, I will be dropping support for IE10, this will be the last update for IE10 as BS5 will no longer support earlier versions of IE.
Update 4.5.1 (hot fix)
- Fixed all reported bugs and errors for Dark Mode
- Fixed Saving state for Skins
- Change DOM element id='mythemes' to singular id='mytheme'
- Updated Bootstrap to 4.5.0, Jquery to 3.5.1, check your package.json
Update 4.5.0
- Fixed all reported bugs and errors
- Fixed gulp warning messages for Bootstrap's SCSS files.
- Added new build component to combine all CSS and JS files by running gulp build-combined which produces 'combined.js' and 'combined.css' files.
- Added Methods for Layout Options, see Settings Layout Options page for more details.
- Updated all plugins to latest, check your package.json
- Updated build file, updated package.json
- Added Fixed Footer option
- Added Dark Navigation option
- Added Theme Modes Layer addon for Dark and Light Themes
- Added Projects View page
- Added two(2) new skins
- Updated Docs to reflect recent changes
Update 4.4.5 (hot fix)
- Fixed bugs for Project Structure page
- Updated Docs
Update 4.4.3
Announcement: Removed Seed projects for PHP, Angular, ASP.NET and RubyOnRails Seed projects from the HTML Flavor. Obtaining the Seed and the Full versions of the Flavor you are interested in is now only available after the purchase of each respective Flavor product on WrapBootstrap. Please find full details about this at our build notes page
- Updated all plugins to latest version
- Updated build file, updated package.json
- Updated SLIM & Seed Project
- Fixed all reported bugs and errors
- Fixed Summernote's icon issue from last update
- Updated Fontawesome Pro packages adding COVID-19 Icon sets.
- Revamped Documentation
- Added function for SmartPanels 'One Click' turn on Icons. See settings panel under Accessibility for more details.
Update 4.4.1
- Updated bootstrap to 4.4.1
- Updated all other plugins to its latest version
- Updated build file, updated package.json
- Updated PHP Seed flavor
- Updated ASP.net seed flavor
- Fixed all reported bugs and errors
- HOT! Updated Fontawesome Pro packages adding the all new DuoTone icons now with a total of 7500+ icons to choose from
- More updates coming soon...
Update 4.0.2
- NOTE (breaking change) Added DOM element "
" right after the end of the tag. This addresses color functions for all JS related color profiles, such as graphs and charts. Please make sure to include this in your file otherwise you will see the following error "Cannot read property 'match' of undefined at rgb2hex"
- JS Updated Jquery 3.3.1 to 3.4.1
Notes: This change may impact some plugins on IE10, if you are seeing any issues with datatables for IE10, please revert back to jquery 3.3.1 through the build.json.
- SCRIP Updated all plugins to latest version
- MISC Updated ./src/img, ./src/custom/plugins directories
- PKG Updated build file, updated package.json
- PRJT Updated PHP Seed flavor
- PRJT Added Ruby on Rails Seed flavor
- PRJT Updated SLIM project (HTML Flavor)
- PRJT Added AJAX Alpha Flavor (HTML Flavor)
- PRJT Added Angular 8 Alpha Seed (work in progress)
- CSS Added RTL CSS which are automated. You can even write your own CSS and it will auto convert to RTL. Seed docs for proper usage.
- MISC Fixed all reported bugs and errors
Update 4.0.1
- PRJT Added Seed project (PHP Flavor)
- PRJT Added SLIM project (HTML Flavor)
- PRJT Added Full project (HTML AJAX Flavor - Alpha release)
- SCRP Fixed linux bug for lowercase uppercase in build.json
- HBS Fixed error on blank.hbs
- SCRP Fixed fontawesome page bugs
- HBS Updated app flavors page (added content for app flavor)
- HBS Updated app docs
- HBS Updated license page to reflect latest license changes on wrapbootstrap
- HBS Update statistic bug
- HBS Updated UI for side panels
- HBS Added google analytics option
- HBS Fixed broken link for inbox
- SCRP Added smartvoice.js (work in progress, page will be added in next release)
- HBS Spell corrections and added links to footer
- SCSS CSS bug fix for (_nav-function-hidden.scss, _settings-demo-theme-colors.scss, _mod-clear-bg.scss, _mod-clean-page-bg.scss, _custom-bootstrap-varients.scss, _nav.scss, _mod-text-size.scss)
- SCSS Added NEW skin options (overlays base CSS file so there might be a flicker when switching pages because of the delay for server fetching), over 13 unique skins are now part of the base app
- PLUG Updated all plugins to latest, check your package.json
- DEL Removed nav_dev.json, license.md
- HBS Updated docs
- HBS Added source files HTML
- MISC Updated ./src/img, ./src/custom/plugins directories
Major Release 4.0.0
Important Information
Dear users, if you are trying to upgrade from version 1.9 to 4.0, please note that there are no method for conversion. SmartAdmin 4.0 was a complete re-write from the ground up and it uses state of the art building tools and UX/UI designs, rendering the older version of SmartAdmin a legacy build.
- Updated to Bootstrap 4.3
- Rebuilt the entire application from the ground up following the best design trends
- Added gulp automate process using HBS template and modular SCSS styles
- Added NPM package manager for all plugins
- Added HTML Seed
- Added HTML Demo (aka full-project)
- Added ASP.net Core 2.2 Seed
- Unique Icon Creator
- Fontawesome Pro 5 (license included with purchase)
- Revamped app.js
- Revamped Jarviswidget -- to --> SmartPanels (with more features)
- Added detachable plugin and modularized structure
- Added documentation
- Added Build files
- Added nav.json
- Added React fixes for config and skin change
- Added light/blank project for React
- Fixed polyfill issue for React and Angular to work properly in IE
Update (Major ReactJS Update)
- Updated to React 16.6+
- Added Webpack 4
- Added React-router-dom 4
- Updated lazy-loading
- Added large redux handled application
- Added many redux examples
- Added voice control
- Added react google maps
- Optimized production build
- Service worker support
- Updated all plugins for ReactJS
- Many more improvements...
Update - (Angular Update and more)
- Added support for Angular 7
- Fixed reactJS issues related to jquery color bug
- Updated footer
- Updated Docs
- updated support / contact info for theme support.
Update 1.9.5
- Angular 6 Support for BS3 (full/seed/lite projects)
- Bootstrap 4 support for Static version (beta)
- Resolved issue with JQ3 and smartnotification
- Resolved issues with jquery color
- Updated npm packages
Update 1.9.1 (PHP Update)
- Added PHP 7 compatibility
- Added DataTables JS upgrade with SmartUI
- Updated SmartUI
- Added support for Composer package manager
- Updated SmartUI and composer package
- Added Dev setup
- Added support for jquery 3
- Updated datatables plugins to latest
- IMPORTANT: Make sure you read the new documentation found inside README.md, you must install Composer and run it to generate the vendor files.
- Fixed Angular 5 e2e test error bug
- Added sections for Troubleshooting and FAQ for ASP.Net Core 2
- Addresses a possible error users could receive when JavaScript Language Service is enabled for ASP.Net Core 2
- Fixed jqueryUI bug by updating jqueryUI to latest stable (AJAX, PHP and HTML versions)
- Added the missing jqueryui file for html_full version
- Added section about bundling for MVC.Net Core 2
Update 1.9.0
- Added new Dashboard (Marketing)
- Added support for ASP.NET Core 2.0 Full project
- Added support for ASP.NET Core 2.0 Seed project
- Added TagHelpers for route highlighting
- Added TagHelpers for showing or hiding elements based on active route
- Added bundles for the core SmartAdmin CSS and JS files
- Added Authentication and Identity management to Full and Seed project
- Added project specific settings and class mapping for SmartAdmin
- Added Layout attribute for easy switching of chosen master layout
- Added documentation for the projects and site structure
- Added sections for Troubleshooting and FAQ
- Added new landing page
- Added support for jquery v3.2.1
- Updated HTML, PHP, Ajax, Angular 5 and Core 2 to latest bootstrap stable
- Updated major plugins to latest for Ajax, HTML, PHP, Angular 5 and Core/MVC
- Addressed Angular 5 bugs (see below)
- Fixed issue with https request for fonts
- Fixed Angular 5 wierd menu behaviour
- Fixed CSS bug for Angular 5
- Fixed List page bug for Angular 5
- Fixed Google maps for Angular 5
- Fixed Calendar issue for Angular 5
- Fixed Registration page for Angular 5
Update (Angular 5x)
- Upgraded to Angular 5.0.3 (please update your 4.5 to 5.x to auto resolve bugs); we will be dropping support for Angular 4 in next update
- Updated [email protected]
- Updated [email protected]
- Updated other dependencies
- Fixed bugs: Widget position, jquery color npm bug, the project builds a little faster now.
- NEW feature! Your theme will now remember your page / layout settings through localstorage
Patch (Angular)
- Fixed package.json with correct moment.js version
(if you already downloaded; delete node_modules directory and install packages with latest package.json)
Patch (Angular)
- Update Angular version
- Fixed angular bugs during build
- Now showing fixed dependencies
Patch (ReactJS)
- Update to react 15.5
- Webpack 2.6
- Freeze dependencies
- Refactor reflux examples
- ES6 class components
- Refactor to eliminate deprecation warnings
- More plugin updates
- OVERALL: 35 files changed, 370 lines inserted | 446 lines deleted
Patch (Angular)
- Added AOT support
- Update ngx-bootstrap@2, [email protected] and other plugins
- Updated dependencies to latest
Patch (Angular)
- Rectified inconsistency between the versions listed in the CHANGELOG.md (0.4.3) in the angular 4 folder and the version in the package.json (0.3.2)
- Updated ngx-bootstrap, datatables-responsive, default include polyfills
Mainly focused on Angular version
- Updated to Angular 4.0
- Updated npm packages and angular dependencies
- fixed css bugs for IE
- fixed other bugs and issues
Patch (Angular)
- Fixed some angular 2.x glitches
- Added support for angular-cli for Angular 2.x
- Please check the readme.md inside your Angular directory for latest up to date instructions
Patch (Angular & ReactJS)
- Fixed npm build issues for Angular 2.x
- Resolved bugs and conflicts for Angular 2.x
- Added missing pollyfills for ReactJS and Angular 2.x
- Fixed issues with lite, and seed proejct builds
- Updated npm packages for ReactJS and Angular 2.x
- Dropped support for Angular-Cli (too many errors and buggy)
- Please see the Readme.md file for further instructions
Patch (ReactJS)
- Fixed bugs that caused error during reactJS npm install.
Mainly focused on ReactJS version
- Navigation items inside config
- Voice control is now redux
- Webpack new loaders syntax
- Migration to webpack 2
- Lazy loading
- Updated to React 15.3
- d3 map widget
- Some major cleanups resulting a cleaner build
Patch (Angular)
- Added Seed Project for Angular 2.0 (this is a blank project, to help start your project with a clean slate)
- Added Lite Version for Angular 2.0 (one page with only SmartAdmin core layout components. Good starting point for creating SmartAdmin app with no extra dependencies like jquery)
- FIXED Issues with Duallist Box (RTL), Dropzone Error, Image Cropping Error for Angular 2.0 Full version
Update 1.8.5
Mainly focused on Angular version
- NEW! Angular 2.0 Version (complete rebuild)
- Updated all JS plugins for Angular 2.0 Version
- Fixed CSS issues
- Switching app root-layouts according to route (e.g. different layout for login/register pages)
- Lazy loading everywhere - routing and plugins
- Google Map - async map initializer
- Image editor - Angular 2 application with Redux data flow
- CK Editor - loading scripts from cdn
- Under the hood the project is maintained via webpack. But this time you won't be messing with any kind of builder config - everything is configured already and works out of the box.
- Updated documentation
- PLUS a ton more features just waiting to be discovered by you!
Update 1.8.4
Mainly focused on .Net version
- NEW! .NET Core 1.0 Full project
- NEW! .NET Core 1.0 Seed Project
- NOTE: JS plugins for .Net Core have NOT been updated in this release
(Huge thanks to Sebastian Faltoni for the contribution in this release)
Bug :
- The latest version in ASP.NET Core does not load the Setting
sections from AppSetting.json The tiles that are activated when
clicking the user name is not shown as of this. If you replace the
following code in Startup.cs it will work again.
// Add our global app settings; this approach auto-maps setting key-value pairs to properties of the same name
// services.Configure(Configuration);
// services.AddOptions();
Update 1.8.3
Mainly focused on Ruby on Rails (NEW) and PHP version
We are excited to announce a new member in the SmartAdmin family, an all new "Ruby on Rails" version. The demo can be seen here: https://smartadmin-full-version.herokuapp.com/ (E-mail: [email protected] | Password: smartadmin)
- Updated CSS
- Fixed Javascript issues
- NEW! RubyOnRails version (w/ ruby v5.0.0.1 stable)
- Updated Php version
- Updated Plugins for Php version (updated all jquery plugins and added changes)
Update 1.8.2
Mainly focused on HTML and Ajax version (all plugins updated to its latest)
Plugin Updates
- Updated Bootstrap Duallistbox to v3.0.5
- Updated Bootstrap-progressbar to v0.9.0
- Updated Bootstrap-tagsinput to v0.8.0
- Updated bootstrap-timepicker to v0.5.2
- Updated twitter-bootstrap-wizard to v1.3.2
- Updated Chartjs to v2.0.0-beta2
- Updated datatables.responsive.js (customized) to latest
- Updated DataTables Bootstrap 3 integration to v1.3.1
- Updated DataTables ColReorder to v1.3.1
- Updated jquery.dataTables.js to v1.10.11
- Updated Dropzone to v4.3.0
- Updated Dygraph to v1.1.1
- Updated easyPieChart to v2.1.7
- Updated FastClick to v1.0.6
- Updated Fuel UX Wizard to v3.14.1
- Updated FullCalendar to v2.6.1
- Updated ion-rangeslider to v2.1.2
- Updated Jcrop to v2.0.4
- Updated jQuery Grid v4.6.0
- Updated jQuery Form Plugin to v3.51.0
- Updated Nestable jQuery to latest
- Updated jQuery UI Touch Punch to v0.2.3
- Updated jQuery Validation Plugin to v1.14.1
- Updated jQuery Knob to v1.2.12
- Updated bootstrap-markdown to v2.10.0
- Updated jQuery Masked Input Plugin to v1.4.1
- Updated bootstrap-maxlength to v1.7.0
- Updated moment.js to v2.11.2
- Updated morris.js to v0.5.1
- Updated raphael to v2.1.4
- Updated bootstrap-multiselect.js to v0.9.13
- Updated jquery.nouislider.js to v8.3.0
- Updated PaceJs to v1.0.2
- Updated Select2 to v4.0.1
- Updated jquery.slimscroll.js to v1.3.8
- Updated summernote.js to v1.3.8
- Updated typeahead.js to v0.11.1
Other updates
- Updated related SASS and LESS files for all plugins
- Added missing SASS files
- Fixed a few CSS issues
- Fixed Glass theme bug
- Updated FontAwesome to latest
- Updated Docs
Some plugins require DOM changes, please refer to the docs for upgrade instructions!
Detailed changelog here: http://tinyurl.com/h2f7ppq
Update 1.8.1
If you are seeing a height issue in the GoogleMaps page, please make sure to have the following directive during the build process: http://bit.ly/1PVGFuA
.ReactJS fixes
- Fixed Mark Down editor issue
- Fixed lodash conflicts
.Net MVC fixes
- Some CSS fixes
- Added HighChartTable page
- Removed Nuget Packages from download package due to possible security warning during download (if anyone should still experience issues with Nuget restore please feel free to contact me on support)
- Added static content path for webconfig
Angular Fixes:
- Update dropzone build
- Updated dropzone to 4.2
- Fixed dropdowns issue
- Fixed todo.setState
- Fixed App.config skin issue
- Fixed Google map (angular googlemap integration)
- Amended CSS fix
- Fixed Lock page issue
- Improved datepicker directive
Update 1.8.0
- SeedProject for HTML version
- SeedProject for PHP version
- SeedProject for Ajax version
- SeedProject for .NetMVC version (will include both MVC5 and MVC6 RC1)
- SeedProject for Angular version
- SeedProject for ReactJS version
- ReactJS full version (beta)
- MVC6 RC1 full version
- Updated AngualrJS to latest stable 1.4.8
- Angular: Split code to two layers directives for plugins (system layer) and presentation layer ( routing, pages etc...) -
- Angular: Added Bower package manager
- Various improvements and a new front-end page
- Add E-commerce pages
- Add a new dashboard variation (social board)
- Update to latest version of Bootstrap
- Update docs
- Add Material design skin (beta)
- Added HighChartTable
Update 1.7.0
- Complete folder structure changes to the Angular version
- requireJS replaced with custom lazy load system
- removed all couchPotato stuff: classic style declarations for angular controllers, directives etc
- replaced grunt with gulp(http://gulpjs.com) is used for building application (can be re-written to grunt, but gulp is - less verbose and faster)
- removed bower.json (will be added in later)
- Update to bootstrap 3.3.4
- Update the major plugins for the HTML, Ajax, and PHP versions
Patch 1.5.2
- Updated copyright information and legal notice
- Fix minor bugs in Angular version
(please note there was a small typo in this patch. For the fix please open ‘smartadmin-production.less’ and ‘smartadmin-plugins.less’ files and edit @import “3.3/mixins.less” to @import “3.3.1/mixins.less”)
Patch 1.5.1
- Fixed Angular bugs
- Fixed CSS issues
- Fixed package.json for Ajax, HTML, ASP.Net, and PHP versions
- Added app.config.js for Angular version
- Updated PHP_version (html) - fixed chat function
- Updated Docs
Update 1.5 - see docs for upgrade instructions
- NEW! Landing page
- Revamped documentation
- Updated Bootstrap Library to v 3.3
- Complete Modularized AngluarJS structure, getting you more closer to integrate with a backend
- Solid Workflow with Yeoman, dependencies (plugins) management with Twitter Bower, tasks automation with Grunt just like Twitter
- Angular: Lazy loading
- Angular: RequireJS
- Angular: RESTful API with JSON files
- Angular: Modularized template structure
- Angular: Angular Router (with nested routes)
- Angular: Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) support.
- Angular: Directives for all major plugins (80+ directives)
- Add ASP.NET MVC5 Version of SmartAdmin
- Add more app views
- Add new skin that shows more contrast, skin name: "PixelSmash"
- Add new skin that shows a variation of different design techniques, skin name: "Glass"
- Added RTL support
- Added print friendly CSS for invoice page
- Landing page (available in static HTML and .NET versions)
- Add a complex and advanced chat system UI (beta)
- Updated all key plugins to the latest version
- Added debug mode for all of our home grown plugins, enabling it by debugState = true through app.config.js
- Added smartadmin-skins.less (beta)
- Added Chart.js
- Added Duellist Box
- Add colorblind CSS (experimental) This will cover the following: Deuternopia, Protanopia, Triitanopia, and NoColor
- The "smartadmin-production" CSS file was split into two: "smartadmin-production-plugin.css" and "smartadmin-production.css"
(This step was necessary as IE cannot read more than 4096 selectors from a single CSS file. This also fixed a lot of CSS related issues that users faced in IE9 for top menu)
- Fixed minor CSS bugs (LESS and SASS files were updated accordingly)
- Added the correct color reference for SASS
- Updated all PHP SmartUI Classes and fixed all reported issues
- Added pagedestroy function, this function sits within the ajax page and called just before a new page is loaded. You can now add destroy calls for any instances and prevent further memory leak. We have also added examples of its use in most of the pages of SmartAdmin
- Added deleteMsg param for Jarviswidgets. You can now change the delete message to your selected langauge
- Upgraded to Jquery 2.1.1, added JQ map file for offline works
- Fixed a major memory leak issue for JarvisWidgets, also the performance of the widgets was increased slightly.
- Fixed sound on/off bug for Smart Notification
- Fixed ajax error log (it will now display appropriate error messages for all ajax calls)
Patch 1.4.1 - see docs for upgrade instructions
- Update plugins: pace.js, select2, bootstrap, progressbar, summernote
- Added SASS Files (in addition to LESS files)
- Responsive Datatables
- Google Voice Command implementation
- JS: Fixed memory leaks for a number of DOM elements
- JS: Added a new file app.config.js (all app configurations has been moved here for easy access)
- JS: Restructured app.js for HTML/AJAX/PHP
- CSS: Fixed minor CSS bugs
- Updated bootstrap core to latest version (3.2)
Update 1.4 - see docs for upgrade instructions
- Fixed loading cog for AJAX pages
- Fixed all IE11 related bugs and compaibility issues
- Removed ID #project-context and replaced with class .project-context
- Fixed vertical scrolling issue for fixed left navigation
- The function "nav_page_height()" has been made redundant
- Fixed the double scroll bar bug for bootstrap modals
- Fixed CSS issue with bg-color pseudo classes that was conflicting with tabs
- Resolved compatibility issue with HighCharts
- Fixed Fullscreen function for HTML Version
- Fixed .NET MVC bug for form inputs
- Fixed IE11 glitch for checkURL in app.js (AJAX Version)
- Scrollbar overlay in IE10 - this was happening due to bootstrap's @-ms-viewport { width: device-width; } which was initially intended for Windows 8 Metro. CSS has now been adjusted. IMPORTANT: Please note we have disabled this fix by default, to enable please edit "ie-fix.less" and recompile your CSS.
- For AJAX version on mobile view, selecting the items from the top #shortcut does not auto hide the menu Solution: we have now added data-attributes which you can use to close the navigation
- Dygraphs integration
- jQgrid Integration
- Upgrade to FontAwesome Library 4.1
- Upgrade Datatable plugin to v1.10
- Add Google Map custom pins with dynamic XML data (see google maps page and pins.xml)
- Add flags page (showing all the flags of the world with a easy copy and paste reusable code)
- Expand/Collapse table row
- Added functional data-attributes for Collapse Menu, Reset Widgets, User Logout, Toggle Shortcut, Minify Menu, and Full Screen - Functions
- Localize files and assets with Grunt (Tasks include: minify CSS & JS files, compile LESS, concatinate JS files - more tasks can be added as required) Note: We do not provide any tutorial to setup grunt as there are many videos and tutorials readily available on the internet
- Bootstrap modal content is now loaded dynamically for the AJAX version
- Added page footer (options: fixed, static, disable footer)
- Reduced page rendering time for mobile view by removing layout related javascripts and re-adjusting the CSS
- Added PHP Version of SmartAdmin
- Added Horizontal Navigation Option
- Add Angular Version of SmartAdmin
- Updated and organized LESS files and its structure
Update 1.3
- Upgrade to Bootstrap Framework 3.1.1
- Added Documentation
- Added 1 additional skin
- Added pages: Profile page, Forum page, Timeline page, Forgot password page
- Added Fullscreen function (does not support IE9)
- Updated app.js to have url with query strings like the google search - available only for the ajax version
- Added Splash screens and home screen icons for iDevices
- Slight DOM change was made to
. CSS/LESS and CSS skins was updated accordingly. This was done to truncate long user names
- Added additional Bootstrap form elements (see the new section "Flexible Input fields with icons" inside the Bootstrap Form Elements page)
- Added logout message localization handler using data-attribute
- Define file path variable for sound files
- Fixed various CSS bugs and memory leaks
- Added PHP Version (beta release)
Update 1.2
- Added non-ajax version for SmartAdmin
- Updated jarvis.widget to work with non-ajax page view (Jarvis widget now includes onSave and OnLoad hooks to be saved into the database)
- app.js has been significantly reworked - users can switch on / off plugins and features more easily
- LESS files are now more modular, new variables are added for better control
- Update Select2 to latest version (3.4.5)
- All ajaxed pages now scroll to top when loading a new page
- Nav menu clicks now updates title
- Added new custom plugin "SmartClick" - this will counter the 300ms delay click in iDevices (this is turned off by default - see app.js to turn it on)
- Fixed CSS issue with X-editable date popup
- Fixed Android mobile menu bug
- Typo in main.less file that resulted certain @media width content to not adjust properly on iPad view
- Function for drawing breadcrumb was running for all ajax calls - this now checks the container and runs the function when appropriate
- Removed CSS3 wobble animation from menu items to save memory on touch devices
- Removed animation from menu slide in / out to save mobile memory
- Added the 3 missing images to the image library (also deleted reference to images in CSS that were not being used)
Update 1.1
- SmartAdmin theme is now built with LESS - previous CSS files are deprecated!
- Added 2 new Skins - Dark Elegance and Ultra White (see the settings panel - cog icon top right corner )
- Improved repainting for touch devices
- Fixed ajax bug and all IE 9 related issues (IE users will need to close the WrapBootstrap iFrame when viewing the demo)
- Ajax scripts now load faster
Update 1.0