Inspinia - Responsive Admin Template


Inspinia 2.9.4 package

Bootstrap 4.3.1

  • HTML5 Full Version
  • HTML5 Seed Project
  • .NET Core 3.0 Full Version (VS 2019)
  • .NET Core 3.0 Seed Project (VS 2019)
  • Ruby on Rails (6.0) (Ruby 2.7.1) Full Version (Sprocket assets pipeline)
  • Ruby on Rails (6.0) (Ruby 2.7.1) Seed Project (Sprocket assets pipeline)
  • Landing Page


  • Documentation
  • PSD Files (more than 50 main views and components full layered)


Please note that all images used in theme are presented only for the demo purposes. Images come from and Images are subjected to copyright of their authors.

Libraries used in theme:

Change Log

Version 2.9.4

  • Fix Select2 on modal window
  • Fix landing page carousel
  • Fix input-group button addons
  • Fix badge scale size
  • Fix tooltip arrow color
  • Fix popover z-index
  • Upgrade TouchSpin
  • Upgrade DatePicker
  • Upgrade ChartJS
  • Upgrade DataTables
  • Upgrade blueimp Gallery
  • Upgrade Rails project to Ruby 2.7.1
  • Add jQuery-Mask-Plugin
  • Add bs-custom-file
  • Deprecate Jasny library

Version 2.9.3

  • New .NET Core 3.0 Project (VS 2019)
  • New Light Skin
  • New Ruby on Rails project with Rails 6.0
  • Upgrade Bootstrap library to 4.3.1
  • Upgrade TouchSpin library to 4.2.5 version
  • Upgrade Chart.JS to 2.9.2
  • Upgrade Select 2 to 4.0.12
  • Upgrade RangeSlider to 2.3.0
  • Upgrade DatePicker to 1.9.0
  • Upgrade Awesome Bootstrap Checkbox
  • Change Bootstrap Tour library to Bootstrap Tourist
  • Change Toastr notification library to Bootstrap toast
  • Slightly improve ibox style
  • Fix title labels position in dashboards pages
  • Fix grid system in project detail page
  • Fix double caret on config box in social panels
  • Fix position of form in 404 page
  • Fix buttons functions on Tinycon page
  • Fix icons presentation page
  • Fix carousel side effect on landing page
  • Fix search form in Projects page
  • Fix window width calculation for body-small class
  • Fix right sidebar on Dashboard 3 page
  • Deprecated jqGrid library
  • Deprecate Chosen library

Version 2.9.2

  • New Ruby on Rails 5.2.3 with Bootstrap 4 support
  • New Ruby on Rails 5.2.3 seed project with Bootstrap 4 support
  • Add RTL support for all Bootstrap 4 projects (HTML5, .NET, MVC, Rails)
  • Migrate main wrapper to flex layout - no more fix_height() function
  • Upgrade Cropped library and fix download button
  • Fixed footer with fixed sidebar width issue
  • Fix border size in third level menu
  • Fix text align in top navigation
  • Fix data-placement in popovers components
  • Fix navbar width on Material Design skin with fixed sidebar option enabled
  • Fix tabs width and bottom border issue in left and right orientation
  • Fix wrapper size in Material Design Skin with fixed options
  • Fix timeline view in HTML5 and Rails projects

Version 2.9

  • New .NET Core 2.1 Full project with support Bootstrap 4.1
  • New .NET Core 2.1 Seed project with support Bootstrap 4.1
  • Upgrade MVC5 Full Project to support Bootstrap 4.1
  • Upgrade MVC5 Seed Project to support Bootstrap 4.1

Version 2.8

  • Upgrade HTML5 Full Project to support Bootstrap 4.1
  • Upgrade HTML5 Seed Project to support Bootstrap 4.1
  • Upgrade HTML5 Landing Page to support Bootstrap 4.1
  • Fix several issues regarding styles and script

Version 2.7.1

  • Fix media-body style on right sidebar
  • Fix wrapper height calc in ReactJs project
  • Fix hamburger button event - add preventDefault
  • Fix slimscroll function call in skin.config.js
  • Fix form-control style to allow input sizing
  • Fix path for slimScroll in Grunt project
  • Fix min-height issue with small content
  • Fix background menu on md-skin
  • Fix background tabs in top-navigation layout
  • Fix typo in navbarheight variable
  • Fix label style to release sizing option
  • Fix angular-cli issue with beta release
  • Fix typos in main.js files in Metero projects
  • Upgrade Laravel starter project to 5.4
  • Upgrade Angular starter project to 4.0

Version 2.7

  • New Text Spinners
  • New Password Meter
  • New Spinners usage example
  • New Activity Stream
  • Add Touch Punch - gesture support for jquery-ui
  • Add hide menu feature after state change
  • Add missing WOW effect on landing page
  • Add missing animation effect on file manager
  • Upgrade Font Awesome to 4.7.0
  • Upgrade jQuery to 3.1.1
  • Upgrade jQuery UI yo 1.12.1
  • Upgrade DataTables to 1.10.13
  • Upgrade jQuery Validation to 1.15.1
  • Upgrade Meteor to
  • Upgrade jQuery Steps to 1.1.0
  • Upgrade Switchery to 0.8.2
  • Upgrade Angular 2 project to CLI
  • Correct typo in layouts page
  • Correct bg-colors in helper class
  • Correct selected typo in css and css preprocessor
  • Improve chat-avater styles
  • Improve second level menu in Rails project
  • Improve third level menu in md-skin
  • Improve collapse-link function for nested panels
  • Improve select2 style
  • Improve menu style after collapse secend level menu
  • Improve seleced feature in older IE browser
  • Improve style for Summernote editor
  • Clear styles from rules supported old browsers
  • Clear overwrite native media-body bootstrap class
  • Fix jumping issue menu on landing page
  • Fix modalInstance call from modal controller in Angular
  • Fix missing .m class for general margin
  • Fix sidebar-panel heihgt in Angular project
  • Fix loading buttons in Angular project
  • Fix closing secend level menu in Rails project
  • Fix menu navigation strucutre in Meanjs project


  • Fix twsb:bootstrap package version in Meteor projects

Version 2.6.2

  • New Angular 2 Starter Project
  • New ReactJS Starter Project
  • New Laravel 5 Starter Project
  • Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3.7 (exclude Meteor - waiting for twsb update)
  • Fix the issue with hidden href on mobile mini navbar
  • Fix the flickering menu
  • Fix Safari modal issue
  • Fix Summernote fullscreen mode
  • Fix css width helper classes
  • Improve content height on fixed navbar
  • Improve landing page on mobile view
  • Add documentation for new starter projects

Version 2.6.1 (mainly focused on .NET projects)

  • New .NET Core 1.0 Full project
  • New .NET Core 1.0 Seed Project

Version 2.6

  • New PDF viewer
  • New Map library - Datamaps
  • New Tag input control
  • New Autocomplete feature
  • New Dual select control
  • New Social buttons
  • New File input component
  • New Psd files (more then 50 psd full layered)
  • New Helper css classes
  • New Router for Meteor project - Flow router
  • Improve style for Chosen control
  • Improve custom switch style (add disabled option)
  • Update Meteor project to 1.4.1 version
  • Update ChartJS (except Angular directive)
  • Update Summernote (except Angular directive)
  • Update Dropzone
  • Update Angular Seed Gulp Project
  • Fix jumping menu issue
  • Fix boxed layout style
  • Fix several small css issues
  • Deprecated jEditable - library not more maintained
  • Update documentation

Version 2.5 (mainly focused on AngularJS projects)

  • Update all AngularJS projects to the latest AngularJS 1.5
  • Update UI Bootstrap to 1.1.2
  • Update UI-Select to 0.14
  • Update AngularJS Chosen
  • Update Dropzone
  • Update Datepicker
  • Update VectorMap directive
  • Update UI Sortable
  • Update Core AngularJS Seed Project
  • Update AngularJS Gulp Seed Project
  • Update AngularJS Grunt Seed Project
  • Update MEANJS to the latest 0.4.2
  • Update documentation for AngularJS projects

Version 2.4

  • New ASP.NET MVC6 Full project
  • New ASP.NET MVC6 Seed Project
  • New Loading buttons
  • New Tour feature
  • New Imput spinner control
  • New C3 charts
  • New Copy to clipboard feature
  • New Truncate string feature
  • New Markdown editor
  • New Word flags image set
  • New i18 support
  • New Schoping cart view
  • New 22 PSD files (Article, Blog, Clients, Contacts 2, Credit Cart form, FAQ, File manager, Issue tracker, Orders, Outlook view, Pin board, Product detail, Product edit - all version), Product grid, Product list, Profile 2, Social feed, Teams board, Vote list)
  • Add tree view in angualr versions
  • Add new html5 export buttons for Data Tables
  • Add serialize example for Agile board
  • Add new fixed option for navbar
  • Add slide effect for menu on landing page on mobile
  • Improve btn-default style
  • Fix video full screen
  • Fix button shadows
  • Fix drop down text color on md-skin
  • Fix pace.js on fixed option
  • Fix few glitch animation effect
  • Fix nav-tabs on mobile
  • Fix second level menu on md-skin
  • Fix Gulp Angular version
  • Fix VS2015 build
  • Fix menu flash in .net version
  • Improve print mode
  • Improve RTL version
  • Improve html helper in .net version
  • Replace iron-router-active to router-autoscroll package
  • Update angular-datepicker
  • Update Meteor to 1.2.1
  • Update Rails version
  • Update Bootstrap to 3.3.6
  • Update pace.js to 1.0.2

Version 2.3

  • New Slick carousel
  • New Dashboard v.5
  • New Masonry grid layout
  • New Profile page
  • New Product detail page
  • New Credit card form
  • New Contacts page
  • New Vote list page
  • New Material Design skin
  • New Landing page - psd file
  • New select2 integration
  • Add Toastr notification (AngularJS version)
  • Add full screen panel option
  • Add scroll panel option
  • Add uiSelect library (AngularJS version)
  • Add Table tools for DataTables (Meteor version)
  • Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3.5
  • Update DataTables to 1.10.8
  • Update Rails version to 4.2.3
  • Fix Landing page menu on small devices
  • Fix backdrop of modal window with animate.css
  • Fix dropdown orientation
  • Fix profile menu of fixed sidebar option
  • Fix menu flashing
  • Fix panel title with large text
  • Fix woff2 files in .net version
  • Improve style for panels
  • Update documentation

Version 2.2

  • New Metrics page
  • New Social feed page
  • New Tabs page
  • New Products grid page
  • New Products list page
  • New Foo table plugin
  • New Chartist - chart library
  • New Product edit page
  • New Orders example page
  • New Clock picker plugin
  • New Custom checkbox and radio controls
  • New Date range picker
  • New Custom javascript alerts
  • New sections in Landing page
  • New full layered PSD files (All dashboards, basic forms, buttons, calendar, charts, email pages, login, timeline, data tables, projects, tabs, widgets, wizard, errors, contact.. more than 20 main views)
  • Incorporate Landing page to full versions (Meteor, AngularJS, Ruby, ASP.NET)
  • Add Outlook view to angularJS version
  • Add Off canvas view to angularJS version
  • Improve panel view
  • Update metisMenu plugin
  • Update moment library
  • Update slimScroll plugin
  • Fix modal backdrop
  • Fix ng-annotate in Gulp version
  • Fix/update bower full dependencies list
  • Fix toastr page in Meteor version
  • Fix dataTables issue in AngularJs version
  • Fix wrapper height on fixed top navbar
  • Update documentation

Version 2.1 mainly focused on Meteor version.

  • Meteor Full version
  • Meteor Seed Project
  • Update documentation

Version 2.0

  • New Small chat
  • New Diff feature
  • New Live favicon
  • New Idle timer
  • New loading indicators
  • New local storage support
  • New validation in Angular version
  • New Blog page
  • New Article page
  • New Agile board page
  • New Issue list page
  • New Teams board page
  • New Outlook view
  • New Clients page
  • New Forgot password page
  • New Right sidebar
  • New Off canvas menu
  • New draggable panels in Angular version
  • New initial collapse panels
  • Improve btn-link style
  • Improve height of page wrapper
  • Update Bootstrap 3.3.4
  • Update PACE.JS
  • Update Morris chart library
  • Fix Font awesome patch in MVC version
  • Fix border color in single-line control
  • Fix responsive of login two columns page
  • Fix collapse effect in FAQ page
  • Fix syntax in bower file with all dependencies
  • Fix Icons in toaster notification
  • Fix Footer margins with fixed sidebar
  • Update documentation

Version 1.9.2

  • Add Ruby on Rails full version
  • Add Ruby on Rails seed project
  • Add initial documentation for Ruby on Rails version

Version 1.9.1

  • Fix Google fonts link in Grunt project
  • Add Font Awesome to bower.json in Gulp project

Version 1.9

  • Add New layout
  • Add Horizontal menu
  • Add File tree view
  • Add Chat view
  • Add Dashboard 4
  • Add Right-to-left support
  • Add New login page
  • Add Multi language support for Angular version
  • Add Angular Grunt Seed Project + Inspinia theme
  • Add Angular Gulp Seed Project + Inspinia theme
  • Add Lazy Load for Angular dependencies
  • Add Full bower.json file with all dependencies
  • Add Inspinia MEANJS boilerplate with built in authentication
  • Add image crop for Angular version
  • Replace old gallery with new Lightbox gallery
  • Upgrade Font Awesome to 4.3.0
  • Upgrade Flot chart to 0.8.3
  • Fix dropdown issue
  • Fix tooltips issue
  • Fix wizard issue in Angular version
  • Fix bugs reported by users
  • Upgrade documentation

Version 1.8

  • Add new Timeline v.2
  • Add SeedProject to Static version
  • Add Image crop function
  • Add new Forum main view
  • Add new Forum post view
  • Add Color picker
  • Add Angular notification service
  • Add Toastr notifications
  • Upgrade Angular to 1.3.7
  • Add animations to Landing page
  • Add Identity2 Framework in MVC5 Seed Project
  • Add smooth effect in collapse fixed sidebar
  • Fix navbar drop down in mobile device
  • Fix scroll position in landing page
  • Fix icon in small todo component

Version 1.7

  • New ASP.NET MVC5 version
  • New ASP.NET MVC5 SeedProject
  • New CSS Preprocessor - SCSS
  • Improvements for css/less/sass style

Version 1.6

  • New Landing Page
  • Add Code editor
  • Add Google maps
  • Add Nestable List
  • Add Email templates
  • Add ngGrid
  • Add jqGrid
  • Add Validation page
  • Add Modal window page
  • Add Nested view configuration
  • Add Responsive dataTables plugin
  • Upgrade Drag and Drop
  • Upgrade Bootstrap to 3.3
  • Upgrade jQuery to 2.1
  • Upgrade jQuery UI to 1.11
  • Upgrade metsiMenu to 1.1
  • Upgrade dataTables
  • Upgrade Full Calendar
  • Improvements for css/less/sass style
  • Fixed bugs reported by users

Version 1.5

  • AngularJS version!
  • SASS files
  • Fixed Sidebar
  • Video responsive
  • ChartJS
  • Improvements for css/less/sass style
  • Upgrade Font Awesome 4.2
  • Upgrade jQuery 2.1

Version 1.4

  • Update Bootstrap to 3.2.0
  • Add new Dashboard 3
  • Add Footer (normal, fixed)
  • Add new project list view
  • Add new project detail view
  • Add new FAQ view
  • Update dragdrop panels view
  • Fixed minor bugs reported by users

Version 1.3.1

  • LESS files added
  • 3 new color theme
  • Top navbar option
  • Improvements for mobile and tablet devices
  • Smoothly transition effect in sidebar
  • Fixed minor bugs reported by users

Version 1.2

  • Dashboard v.2 added
  • Timeline redesigned

Version 1.1

  • Widgets page added

Version 1.0

  • Initial released

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Quality checked by TemplateLelo

Future updates

50723 Sales

by WrapBootstrap

  • Since 31/05/2024
  • Products 14
  • Sales 159545
Last Update

31 May, 2024

First Release

31 May, 2024

Solution Type
Admin Template
High Resolution


Compatible Browsers
Files Included

HTML Files , CSS Files , JS Files





Compatible Technologies

Bootstrap 5.x

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