Spike - Next.js Admin Dashboard Template



Spike Next.Js Admin Dashboard template is more than just an admin template; it’s a partner in your digital journey. It’s perfect for those who seek a balance between functionality and design in their administrative tasks. Whether you are a budding developer or a seasoned professional, Spike Next.Js is here to transform your administrative experiences. Let’s dive into the world of Spike NextJS and explore the art of managing data with elegance and simplicity.


  • Based on Material Ui
  • Mui & Typescript & NextJs
  • 5 unique demos
  • Figma Files for most of Pages
  • Slick Carousel
  • Axios Included
  • i18 React Added
  • Dark and light sidebar themes
  • Megamenu
  • RTL Supported
  • Light/Dark Themes
  • 65+ Page Templates
  • 50+ UI Components
  • Lots of Widgets
  • 3400+ Font Icons
  • Scss Base CSS
  • Easy to customize
  • Many Charts Options
  • Lots of table exmaples
  • Lots of ready to use plugins

What you get with Spike Next.Js

  • Main Menu
  • Dashboard 2
    • Dashboard 1
    • Dashboard 2
  • Applications
    • Contacts Application
    • Blog Application
    • eCommerce Application
    • Chat Application
    • Users Application
    • Users v2 Application
    • Notes Application
    • Calendar Application
    • eMail Application
    • Tickets Application
  • Pages
    • Roll Base Access
    • Treeview
    • Pricing
    • Account Setting
    • FAQ
    • Landingpage
    • Widgets
  • Forms
    • Form Elements
    • Form Layout
    • Form Horizontal
    • Form Vertical
    • Form Custom
    • Form Wizard
    • Form Validation
    • Quill Editor
  • Tables
    • Basic
    • Collapsible
    • Enhanced
    • Fixed Header
    • Pagination
    • Search
  • UI Elements
    • Alert
    • Accordian
    • Avtar
    • Chip
    • Dialog
    • List
    • Popover
    • Rating
    • Tabs
    • Tooltip
    • Transfer List
    • Typography
  • Charts
    • Line
    • Gradient
    • Area
    • Candlestick
    • Column
    • Doughnut & Pie
    • Radialbar & Radar
  • Auth
    • Login
    • Register
    • Forgot Password
    • Two Steps
    • Error
    • Maintenance
  • Multi-Level Dropdown
    • Second Level Item
    • Second Level Item
    • Third Level
      • Third Level Item
      • Third Level Item
      • Third Level Item
      • Third Level Item


Material Ui – https://mui.com/
Solar Icons – https://icon-sets.iconify.design/solar/
Fonts : Plus Jakarta Sans Google Web Fonts (https://www.google.com/fonts) Images – Unsplash (https://www.unsplash.com)


Create Support ticket at – https://support.wrappixel.com/

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Future updates


by themeforest

  • Since 03/01/2024
  • Products 3979
  • Sales 5373923
Last Update

09 Aug, 2024

First Release

09 Aug, 2024

Solution Type
Admin Template
High Resolution


Compatible Browsers
Files Included

HTML Files





Compatible Technologies


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