MojoAI - ChatGPT AI Native Android Chat App

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IMPORTANT: This app template uses third-party service API ( openAI API ) and we do not provide an API key, you can generate your own API Key from the official website

Features :

  • Kotlin Native Android
  • Dark mode and Light mode
  • Chat History Support
  • Full Code Access
  • Full Guide Documentation
  • In-App Purchase to Unlock PRO version
  • Admob Ads Integration
  • Material UI Design

MojoAI - ChatGPT AI Native Android Chat App - 1

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Future updates

6 Sales

by codecanyon

  • Since 03/01/2024
  • Products 3993
  • Sales 5373923
Last Update

23 May, 2024

First Release

23 May, 2024

Solution Type
Mobile Application
Files Included

XML , .java , .db , .dat , .dex , .apk

Android Native Version

Android 12.0 , Android 11.0 , Android 10.0 , Android 9.0

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