Material Wrap - Admin Dashboard Template


Material Design Theme Material Design Theme


Material Wrap is a full feature Material Design inspired Admin Theme based on Bootstrap.

Includes Multiple Projects

Each project contains full features plus a special seed project to help get you started.

  • Angular 5 + Bootstrap 4 full version
  • Angular 5 + Bootstrap 4 seed version
  • HTML static Bootstrap 3 full version
  • HTML static Bootstrap 3 seed version


  • Google Material Design
  • 2 Dashboards
  • 8 Built in Web Applications
  • 12 Template Layouts
  • 20+ Page Designs
  • Includes a Seed Project for rapid development
  • 900+ material design icons
  • Multiple Material Design Color Schemes
  • ES6 (ECMAScript6 ) JavaScript Modules
  • Package management with NPM
  • Free Future Updates
  • Premium Support
  • Dashboard
    • Dashboard v1
    • Dashboard v2
  • Page Layouts
    • Full Width Layouts
      • Full Width v1
      • Full Width v2
      • Full Width v3
    • Boxed Layouts
      • Boxed Layout v1
      • Boxed Layout v2
      • Boxed Layout v3
    • Left Side Nav
      • Left Side Nav v1
      • Left Side Nav v2
  • Right Side Nav
    • Right Side Nav v1
    • Right Side Nav v2
  • Cards
    • Card Templates
    • Card Demos
  • Charts
    • C3 Charts
    • Chartist
    • Chartjs
    • Morris.js Charts
  • Applications
    • E-Commerce
      • Dashboard
      • Products
      • Customers
      • Settings
    • File Manager
    • Taskboard
    • Notes
    • Mail
  • Pages
    • Profile
    • Invoice
    • Timeline
    • Locations
    • Pricing Tables
    • Gallery
  • Authentication
    • Login & Register
    • Lock Screen
  • User Interface
    • Alerts
    • Animations
    • Avatars
    • Buttons
    • Colors
    • Grid System
    • Icons
    • List
    • Preloaders
    • Badges & Labels
    • Typography
  • Components
    • Notifications & Dialogs
    • Toolbars
    • Collapsible
    • Chips
    • Drawers
    • Dropdowns
    • Modals
    • Sliders & Progressbars
    • Scrollable
    • Tabs & Pills
    • Tooltips & Popovers
  • Forms
    • Form Elements
    • Form Components
    • Form Layouts
    • Form Validation
    • Form Wizard
  • Tables
    • Basic Tables
    • Data Tables
  • Theme Settings
    • Menu Levels
    • Helper Classes
    • Well Documented
  • Changelog

    Version 2.0 – 03/20/18

    [NEW] -  Updated the Angular package to Angular 5
    [NEW] -  Updated Material2
    [NEW] -  Updated Bootstrap 4 beta to Bootstrap 4 stable version
    [FIX] - Page back to top on route navigation change.
    [NEW] - Switched out the form wizard for the new Materail2 form stepper

    Version 1.7 – 10/29/17

    [Hotfix] - Put a fixed package version on the Angular Material2 package. This way npm will not automatically round-up to a breaking change version.

    Version 1.6 – 10/1/17

    Upgraded the Angular package to Angular 4.4.4 
    Material2 had breaking changes in their last update 2.0.0-beta.11 which caused MaterialWrap to break when upgrading to the latest version of Material2. This was fixed by us removing the MdCoreModule from the shared modules file and upgrading our project to the latest version 2.0.0-beta.11 
    Removed ng2-datepicker in favor of Angualr’s Material Design date picker. 
    Fixed bug in dropdown menus components

    Version 1.5 – 8/15/17

    [NEW] Added new Angular 4 + Bootstrap 4 full feature project.

    Version 1.2 – 6/04/17

    [NEW] Added a new Angular 4 seed project.

    Version 1.1 – 4/25/17

    [NEW] Added a new seed project.

    Version 1.0 – 3/28/17

    [NEW] Initial Release

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    Quality checked by TemplateLelo

    Future updates

    592 Sales

    by themeforest

    • Since 03/01/2024
    • Products 3993
    • Sales 5373923
    Last Update

    13 Jun, 2024

    First Release

    13 Jun, 2024

    Solution Type
    Admin Template
    High Resolution


    Compatible Browsers
    Files Included

    HTML Files , CSS Files , JS Files





    Compatible Technologies

    AngularJS , Bootstrap 4.x

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