HotelAir - React Hotel Management Admin Dashboard Template


HotelAir Admin Dashboard Template

The Hotel Admin Dashboard Template is designed for seamless hotel management. With HotelAir, you get a comprehensive solution offering easy add/edit functionalities and a smooth workflow. Built on React Bootstrap’s SCSS framework, HotelAir is not only responsive but also feature-rich. It provides developers with a plethora of ready-made components and highly customizable features. Even for those new to frameworks, Hotel Air offers an intuitive interface for tweaking UI components directly within the HTML code. With Hotel Air, you’re equipped with everything you need for efficient and flexible admin management.

HotelAir Core Features

  • Dashboard
  • Authentication Pages
  • Hotel Management Flow with Pages
  • Settings Pages
  • Documentation
  • 6+ Color theme Options
  • Switch to Light/Dark
  • Monochrome Mode
  • Dark Sidebar
  • Dark Header
  • Border Radius none
  • Card Shadow active/inactive
  • Icon stroke increase and decreases

HotelAir Ready Applications

  • Calendar
  • Email App
  • Chat App
  • File Manager
  • Blog

HotelAir Document and Plugins

  • Apex Chart
  • Peity Chart
  • Datatables
  • Flatpickr
  • Inputmask
  • Jsvectormap
  • Sortablejs
  • Sweet Alert 2
  • Tagify
  • Quill Editer
  • Font Icon
  • Input Mask

Dynamic Data with React Components

HotelAir leverages React components for dynamic data management. This includes features like dynamic tables for listing data, real-time updates for charts, and interactive forms. React components allow for seamless integration and customization, making the admin dashboard highly flexible and responsive to various data-driven needs.

24-Hour Turnaround Support

Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support. For any pre-purchase query, please use email, and the item’s comment section on ThemeForest. Thanks!


Browsers: Works well in all the latest browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Edge.

General: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and are NOT included in the final purchase files. It does not include any Business logic to produce database records.

Plugin: All the Third-party plugins we use are installed via NPM and have their own support and updates separately. Pixelwibes can only provide support for the version of plugins used in the template. It applies to all the framework packages as well.

Bootstrap 5: The HTML version is built upon the Bootstrap 5 SCSS. The Frontend framework native bootstrap components will only have support for Bootstrap 4 now, and we are overwriting it with Bootstrap 5. In the future, when there will be the support of Native components for frontend frameworks, our team will replace overwritten bootstrap 5 with native bootstrap 5 for that framework.

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Quality checked by TemplateLelo

Future updates


by themeforest

  • Since 03/01/2024
  • Products 3979
  • Sales 5373923
Last Update

12 Aug, 2024

First Release

12 Aug, 2024

Solution Type
Admin Template
High Resolution


Compatible Browsers
Files Included

HTML Files , CSS Files , Sass Files , JS Files





Compatible Technologies

ReactJS , Bootstrap 5.x

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