Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme


Goodwin theme is described in the Envato article – 17 Best Shopify Templates for Your Online Store

Goodwin – Multipurpose Shopify Theme. Goodwin comes with 14+ ready-made Home page layouts and over 50 other pages. Goodwin is perfect for different category store websites: fashion, accessories, shoes, bags, t-shirts, electronics, furniture, sport, toys, nutrition, books, pets shop and any more… You can create many unique and modern websites with Goodwin. The theme is very easy to control and make it suit anything you need.

Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 1 Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 2

We introduce some of live sites based on Goodwin shopify theme:

Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 3Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 4Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 5 Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 6Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 7 Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 8Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 9Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 10Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 11 Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 12Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 13Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 14Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 15 Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 16 Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 17 Goodwin - Ultimate Responsive Shopify Theme - 18

Goodwin - Shopify Theme

* Images from the demo are not included in the theme files.


Change log

May 21, version 3.0

- changed Instagram feed plugin to the method using an Access Token
- added 7 new skins: Pets, Jewerly, Burgers, Medical, Phone Cases, Snowboards, Masks
- added detailed settings for theme colors
- added detailed typography settings
- added detailed color settings for most sections
- migrating theme to use only CSS stylesheets (removed all deprecating Sass for Shopify Themes)
- add mp4 svideo for slider

January 20, version 2.4

fixed collection sidebar
fixed mobile wishlist
fixed customer pages design
fixed dark mode style
fixed all action routes due to the latest shopify requirements
fixed popup Sizes Guide on the product page 
fixed cross tags filtering
code improvements

September 10, version 2.3

- added theme built-in Wishlist 
- fixed topline 
- category description is fixed (ajax process on  event change content)
- fixed newsletter form in footer 4
- added quick view carousel sliding after color option changing
- updated Instagram due to the latest requirements
- added new product videos support due to the latest Shopify requirements
- added H1 for seo
- fixed video in the slider
- added on product style 2 option for disabling Right column

April 27, version 2.2

- updated Instagram widgets due to the latest instagram requirements
- updated minicart link
- updated topline animation
- fixed 'safe checkout' title on product page

April 09, version 2.1

- fixed dark mode 
- fixed product preview select options change
- fixed shipping calculator on the cart page
- fixed product qty selector on the product page
- updated add to cart button on the product page
- fixed related product on the product page
- added tax info enable/disable option  on the product page
- removed double H1
- updated promotion products section
- fixed toys 1 home page 
- fixed plumbing pre-set
- fixed currency
- fixer RTL 
- fixed you save
- updated video youtube for slider
- fix cart page console error

December 04, version 2.0

- FULLY LAZYLOADING THEME READY (increased page speed in times)
- DONE INNER BANNERS EDITOR (instead of external link) - NO HTML, NO CSS Absolutely
- ADDED FULLY NEW swatches / dropdown options for selecting variant - Dropdowns / Swatches / Color pics / Variant Images with many settings for control
- ADDED agreement checkbox before checkout
- SPEED desktop/mobile OPTIMIZATION
- add new product hover (second image on rollover)
- fixed 'you save' $$ on product page 
- added countdown for Fixed product style
- added option cut title enable/disable
- fixed locales in the promotion section
- added cities option in the admin panel for promotions products section
- CSS/js minified files
- fixed related products
- added tax information on product page
- added new image placeholders for easy customization
- fixed video mp4 on the product page
- added new 15+ widgets
- and more and more...

October 17, version 1.6

- added new Home page pre-set Fashion 3
- added new 6 widgets for the home page
- added flex Textarea for the contact form
- added topline colorization in admin options (header)
- added topbar colorization  in admin options (header)
- updated locales translation
- added site sharing preview control
- added alt attributes for some images
- added 'Shop By Color' column translation
- added successful captions on newsletter popup 
- added a new compact header for "slides mode" 
- added newsletter form in footer style 9
- added auto adding to cart if one variant only
- fixed header search on mobile 
- fixed collection name changing after the ajax filter updating (mobile view)
- fixed view collections list in sidebar filter (mobile view)
- disabling empty dropdowns in the vertical megamenu
- fixed mobile navigation megamenu type 'shop_by'
- fixed product status: in stock, out of stock, pre-order
- fixed footer default 3rd  column with links
- fixed compare at price on swatches click event
- fixed label NEW
- fixed sidebar  filter tag remove
- fixed add to cart if ajax add to cart is disabled
- fixed equal height for previews
- fixed product labels colorization
- fixed quick view on the search page
- fixed enable/disable previous-next products on  the product page
- fixed "image + text" section (mobile view)
- fixed login/register header 9 

April 05, version 1.5

- updated shop info sections
- updated about us section 
- updated advanced brands section
- fixed min product price 'From..'
- updated product swatches
- updated sharing option on the product page
- added product layout 4
- updated dark mode
- added topline animation option

February 02, version 1.4

- added advanced checkout popup
- added free shipping functionality
- added popup 'Select variant first' before adding to cart in the product previews (old functionality was adding first available variant)
- added option to choose product layout globally (not only individually)
- added changing price/variant/preview on thumb/dropdown click in the product preview
- added option to show collection image on the collection page automatically if collection page has own preview
- added Arabic/China/Cyrillic tags for the sidebar (easy to config Russian, Ukranian, China, Arabic etc stores)
- added ability to add a special name for any tag in the filter sidebar (not as usually when sidebar tag title has to have the same title as the tag that assigned to the product)
- improved sidebar filter (it is fully rewritten, increased speed, added collection group with ajax reload)
- added sidebar filter option 'cross tags' that hides tags that absent in the current tags selection
- added full control of the view more links in megamenu shop by dropdown 
- added option 'Make all product images visible on mobile under the main photo'
- added the bold price in the product variants dropdown in the product previews
- added option enable/disable rating in the product previews on mobile
- improved header default layout if currencies and languages are disabled
- improved center alignment for section 'our team' on about us page
- fixed google pay dynamic checkout button
- fixed collections list
- fixed sorting of the tags in sidebar filter

January 10, version 1.3

- added removing breadcrumbs if only "Home" link visible on the product page
- added showing of "shop by filter" dropdown from megamenu on mobile-
- added columns control in the section "Why Us" from about us page
- added option enable/disable You save $$$ on the product page for sale products
- added shadow for "Promo products" block
- added hover transparent background on the "close" button in the topline
- added quick view in some product sections
- added Font pickers in the Fonts settings (more comfortable then paste manually google font name) 
- added youtube video popup on Product template Style Trend (Style 3)
- added full interface control of the "view more" links in the megamenu columns
- added center alignment for columns in the megamenu dropdowns
- added second product preview rollover effect
- added option "arrows" enable/disable on the 1st level navigation items (header)
- added Russian locale 
- extended Slideshow section interface
- increased height/width of the youtube video popup on the product page
- changed the view of the photo popup preview (increased thumbs and they are visible at once, removed arrows left/right)
- updated documentation on how to use replace icons and add new icons
- updated locale files
- updated interface of the section "grid collections" 
- updated header search (popular search keywords enable/disable)
- fixed disabling of the Sticky Header
- fixed newsletter popup empty space under the photo
- fixed equal height for product images is inherited on the quick view images as well
- fixed using long navigation item names on mobile
- minor fixes

December 26, version 1.2

- added global auto height for product images for pretty view product previews, product page
- added global option product name uppercase/lowercase
- added auto height for newsletter popup image (removed empty space)
- removed visible part of loader in the checkout modal popup
- added color tooltips for color images in the product previews
- added 'select options' button instead of the advanced select box on the product previews if the product has more than 20 variants
- added option enable/disable vendors in the product preview
- added products promotion block
- added advanced options for topline control (home page, all pages, bg image change)
- disabling color images in the product previews with if variants have no images
- removed delay on the collection page if the sidebar is absent
- fixed footer in the t-shirts pre-set
- fixed collection 3/4 products per row on a desktop, and 1/2 products per row on mobile
- fixed payments in the footer

December 13, version 1.1

- fixed header/footer logo
- removed space on the product previews if products reviews app is not installed
- slides text/effects in the theme fully like in the demo now
- added  two lines supporting in the header navigation
- added option enable/disable Dynamic checkout button on the product page
- added option enable/disable Vendor on the product page
- added option enable/disable Shipping calculation on the cart page
- added option enable/disable "you save $X" on the product previews
- added option enable/disable section Our partners on About Us page
- minor issue on the t-shirts skin

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Future updates

1513 Sales

by themeforest

  • Since 03/01/2024
  • Products 4364
Last Update

30 Apr, 2024

First Release

28 Feb, 2024

Solution Type
Website Template
High Resolution


Compatible Browsers
Files Included

CSS Files , JS Files





Shopify Version

Shopify 2.0

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