Explore Multi-Vendor e-Eommerce Flutter App UI Kit Template

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Product Description

Discover the power of Explore App, a cutting-edge mobile news system built exclusively for the Android and iOS platform. Crafted with precision in Flutter Language with modern architecture pattern, this app guarantees swift and seamless performance. The incorporation of Google Material Design principles elevates both aesthetics and user engagement to unparalleled heights.

Complete Featured Flutter UI Kit App:

  • Login Page
  • Register Page
  • Forgot Password
  • Reset Password
  • Change Password
  • Profile and Update Profile Page
  • Categories and Subcategory
  • Category and Subcategory wise Workout
  • Search Shop Product
  • Multiple Payment Gateway
  • Product Order Page
  • Offers Page
  • Language Setting | Multiple Language Supported
  • Elegant, Clean & Awesome UI Design
  • Android Latest SDK Support
  • Android Studio Project

Update Log

Last Update fixed V1.0.0
- initial Release

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Quality checked by TemplateLelo

Future updates


by codecanyon

  • Since 03/01/2024
  • Products 3993
  • Sales 5373923
Last Update

05 Jun, 2024

First Release

05 Jun, 2024

Solution Type
Mobile Application
Files Included

.java , Dart , YAML , .kotlin , .plist , .swift

Flutter Version

Flutter 2.x , Flutter 3.x

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