Emoji Merge - HTML5 Game, Construct 3


Emoji Fruit Merge is a simple yet addictive puzzle game inspired by the popular 2048 game. The objective is to merge falling fruit blocks of the same type to create larger, more valuable fruit.

The game features a grid-like playing field where different fruit blocks, such as apples, oranges, and bananas, fall from the top of the screen. The player’s task is to manipulate and combine these blocks by swiping or tapping them to align matching fruit. When two identical fruit blocks collide, they merge to form a larger, more valuable fruit block.

The gameplay is easy to learn but challenging to master, as the player must strategically position the falling fruit blocks to create high-scoring combinations and advance to higher levels. As the game progresses, the speed and complexity of the falling fruit blocks increase, adding to the challenge.

Emoji Fruit Merge offers a relaxing and satisfying gameplay experience, with vibrant, colorful visuals and a soothing soundtrack to enhance the overall experience.


  • Touch controls     
  • Full game.              
  • Keyboard control       
  • Works on HTML5 browser
  • HTML folder ready to upload + c3p

What you get

  • HTML5 and source files ready to be uploaded to your server
  • Keyboard and Touch Controls

How to publish on your site:

  • Rename the HTML 5 folder to any name you like (don’t use space or special characters)
  • Upload the entire folder you renamed to your site (Check your host provider for FTP access
  • That’s it!

If you have any question, don’t hesitate in asking.

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Future updates


by codecanyon

  • Since 03/01/2024
  • Products 3875
  • Sales 5373831
Last Update

20 Jul, 2024

First Release

20 Jul, 2024

Solution Type
Mobile Application
High Resolution


Compatible Browsers
Files Included

HTML Files





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