BrightHills - Elementary School Website Figma Template

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Offer a friendly and inviting website to visit using BrightHills, a cheerful and minimalist elementary school website UI Figma template, offer. Although it has a simple design and layout, the bright color combination brings a joyful vibe to the website. Meanwhile, its simplicity makes it easy to explore by any user. It is perfect for any school or other educational institution, like an elementary school that prefers a friendly approach.

Please Note All preview images are excluded from the download Figma files.


  • Homepage v1
  • Homepage v2
  • Homepage v3
  • About
  • Classes
  • Class Details
  • Teachers
  • Teacher Details
  • Facilities
  • Blog
  • Blog Details
  • Contact


  • 12 pages
  • Support for Figma
  • Modern and clean design
  • 1440 px
  • Using FREE fonts from Google Fonts
  • Well documented
  • Easy to edit and customize
  • All graphics re-sizeable and editable

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Future updates


by themeforest

  • Since 03/01/2024
  • Products 3979
  • Sales 5373923
Last Update

18 Jul, 2024

First Release

18 Jul, 2024

Solution Type
Website Template
Ui Software Version


Graphics Files Included

Figma FIG

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